All for Love

All for Love

Highlight the theme of conflict between passion and duty in all for love

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Perhaps the most important theme in the play, and what keeps Cleopatra and Antony in a magnetic pull towards one another the entire time, is passion. Both of the lovers feel passionately—in both a sexual and romantic sense—towards one another. The passion they feel for one another exceeds all reason, and it is what keeps Cleopatra and Antony continually making poor decisions on behalf of their respective countries.

Passion, throughout the play, wins out against reason time and time again. Whenever Antony is on the brink of leaving Egypt once and for all, he is once again called back by his passion for Cleopatra. Likewise, at the end, after Antony has died, Cleopatra determines that she would rather die than live under Caesar. She chooses death over life because of her passionate love of Antony.


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