All American Boys

What does Rashad’s conversation with his father on pages 7-8 reveal about both of these characters?

Provide specific evidence from these pages to support your answer?

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David Butler represents a caring father, who has been influenced by his life in America, and moreover, the aspects of racism that hinder African American opportunities. This immediately becomes evident when David tells Rashad, "there's no better opportunity for a black boy in this county than to join the army" (6). In David's mind, joining the army is the best opportunity for his black son. In Rashad's eyes, the statement, to is meant to reflect the fact that his fath looks down on his brother, Spoony, who works at UPS. In context, Rashad's innocence and aspirations often lead him to disagree with his father, but it is also clear that his dad has experienced the effects of racism, and that he wants to protect his son as best he can.


All American Boys