Alas, Babylon

Why is Peyton so bored and disgusted and what does she do to end these feelings? chapter 12

why is peyton so bored and disgusted and what does she do to end these feelings? chapter 12

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Peyton has little to do in the sweltering heat. It is Peyton who solves the fish issue, jealous of Ben Franklin because he discovered armadillo as a new source of food; she asks Preacher why the fish are not biting, and he says that because of the heat, they must all be staying deep in the middle of the river. She thinks to use goldfish as bait, and goes out in Randy's boat and catches four huge bass. Florence thinks her wild cat came back and ate her fish, and Peyton is initially punished for going out on the river alone. The men return from Blue Crab Run with piles of crabs and huge amounts of salt, and it seems that everything is going to be okay again.
