Accidental Death of an Anarchist

Significance of the glass eye?


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The glass eye serves as a symbol of the lengths people like will go to disguise the truth. It also symbolizes the way people are willing to "see" new truths with false eyes—meaning they only see what what want to see.


Accidental Death of an Anarchist

In Dario Fo's "Accidental Death of an Anarchist," the glass eye is a symbolically significant prop that plays a crucial role in the plot and themes of the play. Here's the significance of the glass eye:

1. Deception and Manipulation: The glass eye represents deception and manipulation, which are central themes in the play. The Maniac, the central character, uses the glass eye as a prop to impersonate various characters, including a judge, a psychiatrist, and a forensics expert. By doing so, he exposes the corrupt practices and lies of the police force. The glass eye becomes a tool for the Maniac to uncover the truth while highlighting the absurdity of the police's actions.

2. Symbol of Authority: The glass eye is a symbol of authority figures in the play. The characters who possess or use it, such as the Inspector and the Superintendent, are figures of authority within the police force. The Maniac's ability to take on these roles by using the glass eye symbolizes the ease with which those in power can abuse their authority and manipulate the truth.

3. Satirical Element: Fo uses the glass eye as a satirical element to criticize the abuse of power and the willingness of those in authority to turn a blind eye to wrongdoing. The Maniac's ability to fool the police and the absurdity of their actions highlight the farcical nature of the situation.

4. Revealing the Truth: Ultimately, the glass eye helps to reveal the truth about the anarchist's death, which had been covered up by the police. By impersonating authority figures and using the glass eye to expose contradictions and lies, the Maniac forces the police to admit their guilt and reveal the actual events that led to the anarchist's fall from a police station window.

In summary, the glass eye in "Accidental Death of an Anarchist" serves as a symbol of deception, manipulation, and the abuse of authority. It is a central element in the Maniac's efforts to uncover the truth and expose the corrupt practices of the police, making it a significant and powerful symbol in the play.