A Wrinkle in Time

How do Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace demonstrate teamwork, courage, and perseverance in A Wrinkle in Time?

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Courage becomes a theme later in the novel as Meg makes a decision to tesser back to Camazotz to save Charles Wallace. This courage, however, is not the kind of unabashed, unafraid courage that is normally a part of hero quests. Instead, L'Engle posits that Meg's type of courage is the courage of the weak and the foolish.

This type of courage, L'Engle suggests, is the type of courage found within the Christian framework. It is the type of courage that figures such as Christ showed in giving themselves up to death in order to defeat evil. This is not a courage based on bravery but is, instead, based on a trust and love of goodness and of others. This is the kind of courage that can save others in the novel and within humanity, L'Engle suggests.