A Streetcar Named Desire

Help please

I'm doing an assignment on "A Streetcar named desire" and i need to anilyse scene 10, is there any help you could offer me?

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Hi, i'm not sure how much i can help you but il at least try nehow. i did a streetcar.... last yr, yr 11 and i think basically Scene 10 is about Blanche getting raped by Stanley, Blanche is feeling dirty and delirious shes started to go crazy because Mitch has rejected her. he found out that she sleeps around and he's digusted with her. i think from this scene that blanche is feeling totally unworthy of herself but for more information i always find that sparknotes helps heaps - www.sparknotes.com - go to english->poetry-> streetcar {or search for it on the site}.

i hope i was of some help, good luck with it!

Hiya, I had to perform Scene 10 as part of my Practical Assessment so I had to study it up heaps; I hope this Helps

Scene 10 is very symbollic, the conflict between Stanley and Blanche (Representing the Old South vs The New, Lust vs Love, Truth vs Fiction, Reality vs Fantasy etc etc) comes to a head. So the Rape of Blanche can be looked at in a tragic defeat of all that she represents. Also, if you're looking at sole characterization, Scene 10 is the ultimate defeat for Blanche. She is discovered as a fraud by the one man that she hates, ripping to shreds her carefully placed facade (Highlighted by Stanley's line "You come in here with, sprinklin' your powders, spraying your perfume...etc" and, if you want to get symbollic, represented in some plays when he rips her paper lanterns). Everything that she has done to survive her situation and every hope she had of getting out of it (ie. By Marrying Mitch) have been torn to shreds before her eyes. The final insult is when she gets raped by Stanley. Blanche sees the act of sex as one to make her feel safer and more sexually attractive. She always believed in romance and entertained the idea that she would be swept off her feet by one of her sexual encounters. The beastly way in Which Stanley takes her finally destroys her with its harsh reality. The defeat of Blanche by Stanley (Representing the above) is Williams comment on society at that time. Stanley (representing the new, post WWII South) crushes brutally the dreams of the old, aristocratic South. Because Stanley is presented as uncouth, animallistic and crude and Blanche is presented as beautiful and frail, it is clear to see Williams perspective on this social change.

I hope that helps a bit:D

It does, thanks

thanks :o
