A Raisin in the Sun

Act 3

When does Act3 begin? What are Walter and Beneatha doing?

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Act III begins about three weeks after Act I, and an hour after the conclusion of Act II, Scene III.

From the text:


An hour later.

At curtain, there is a sullen light of gloom in the living room, gray light not unlike that which began the first scene of Act One. At left we can see WALTER within his room, alone with himself. He is stretched out on the bed, his shirt out and open, his arms under his head. He does not smoke, he does not cry out, he merely lies there, looking up at the ceiling, much as if he were alone in the world.

In the living room BENEATHA sits at the table, still surrounded by the now almost ominous packing crates. She sits looking off. We feel that this is a mood struck perhaps an hour before, and it lingers now, full of the empty sound of profound disappointment.


A Raisin in the Sun