A People's History of the United States


11. Read lines 66 – 73. How does the natural setting, particularly the fallen tree, affect Ulrich and Georg?

12. Read lines 79 – 82. It is said that he who laughs last, laughs the best. Georg Znaynem, who is pinioned under the tree, laughs mockingly and savagely at Ulrich. What does this foreshadow? How do you justify your answer?

13. Re-read lines 82-94. What do the enemies threaten to do to each other once they are rescued? Are these real or empty threats? Use the evidence you uncovered for question 9 to answer this part of the question.

14. In lines 102-103, Ulrich uses the words “cursed interlopers”. Why, in your opinion, is this an interesting choice of words?

15. In lines 132-137, the narrator reveals an important change in Ulrich’s attitude. What contributes to this change?

16. “We have quarreled like devils all our lives over this stupid strip of forest, where the trees can’t even stand upright in a breath of wind.” What is ironic about these words? What type of irony is this?

17. Lines 169 – 175 contain two important details – a reference, once again, to the ferocity of the wind and each man hoping that his friends would be the first to arrive. What does each of these signify?

18. In line 203, the narrator does not reveal who is coming toward the men. What effect does this lack of information create?

19. The wind, in line 186, is referred to as “Pestilential” – what does this foreshadow and why?

20. At the end of the story, Ulrich laughs. This is described as “the idiotic chattering laugh of a man unstrung with hideous fear”. What does he realize at this time?

21. Who triumphs over the strip of forest, and who are the interlopers? Justify your answer.

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The natural setting serves as the story's antagonist. Ulrich and Georg each have ulterior motives, but the falling of the tree, changes their intent. It is now impossible for either man to take revenge upon the other, as nature, which is without malevolence, undermines their plans. The wolves are also a part of the natural world, and though they serves as interlopers, we have to ask.... who is the "real" interloper.

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The Interlopers