A Long Way Gone

Why does Beah take his anger out on Gasemu?

Why does Beah take his anger out on Gasemu?

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Beah's increased impatience with Gasemu’s slow pace to the village hints that something dire may be on the other side of the hill. Gasemu’s nonchalant attitude provides a stark contrast to Beah’s hunger to see his family again after so long a separation. When the attack on the village is discovered, the reader automatically sympathizes with Beah’s frustration, anger, and sense of sorrow when he blames Gasemu for his not being able to see his family again. Only when logical thought takes over does the reader realize that, had Beah made it to the village earlier, he would likely be among the charred or shot casualties they boys find in the village after the attack. From this we infer that Gasemu’s slowness actually saved Beah’s life.

