A Long Way Gone

How does the author describe some of the settings (specific details to help the reader imagine that they are there - imagery) chapters 1-9

a long way gone

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Ishmael Beah takes a matter-of-fact tone in his memoir. Although he is recounting great horrors experienced by his twelve-year-old self, he does not dwell on lurid details or seem to exaggerate for dramatic effect. He states plainly what he sees and what he thinks, allowing the reader to reach his or her own conclusions regarding the rebel attack on his home village of Mogbwemo. The settings are not underscored rather than simply observed. Beah sets the setting and tone for the book in the first chapter when he describes fleeing refugees streaming through his village,

Families who had walked hundreds of miles told how relatives had been killed and their houses burned. Some people felt sorry for them and offered them places to stay, but most of the refugees refused, because they said the war would eventually reach our town. The children of these families wouldn't look at us, and they jumped at the sound of chopping wood or as stones landed on the tin roofs flung by children hunting birds with slingshots.

