A Long Way from Chicago

Chapter 6

Am i able to get these answers later today?

Please and thank you!!!!

Who arrived at the train station when joey and mary alice train arrived and what was she doing their?

What dose grandma tell them that happened to Effie Willcox?

What exiting event happened earlier in July in chincigo that joey and mary alice missed out on?

Who dose mary alice say grandma is missing ?

What dose joey see outside Veech´s Garage that makes him it was love at first sight?

What did Ray Veech want 2$ to teach joey to do ?

What dose the Terraplane 8 have that makes the top line model?

What did they charge for admission to the movie¨theater?¨

What movie whas showing at the event?

After the movie, what dose Grandma do to spook Mary Alice and Joey?

When Marry alice askes Grandma is there are really vampires, who dose Grandma say are the only real bloodsuckers?

What dose grandma tell them to find while they were up in the attic?

Besides the stovepipe hat, what else dose did Joey and mary alice find in the attic that Grandma wanted to take to the chuech rummage? Who made it?

Where dose Grandma say the hat and the quilt came from?

What are the initials sewn into the hem of the quilt?

Who did Ms.Askew and Mrs.Weidenbach belive had owned the hat and quilt?

What dose Mrs.Weidenbach accuse Grandma of doing?

What dose Grandma what Mrs.Weidenbach to do with Effie Wilcox house?

As she is leaving, what dose Grandma tell Mrs.Weidenbachto give to Mary Alice and Joey?

Who tags along with Joey when he gose for his driving lesson with Ray Veech and what car did they use?

Why did grandma go to the depot with Joey and Mary Alice the next morning?

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Last updated by Gabby S #1331093
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1) Grandma was there when the children arrived at the train station, but she wasn't there to pick them up..... she was there to see Effie Wilcox off.

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A Long Way from Chicago