A Long Walk to Water

A Long Walk To Water Text-Based Discussion Questions


1. What do you notice about how the text is laid out?

2. What do you notice about the type? The dates? The titles? Etc.

3. Why do you think the author made these choices?

4. Look closely at the map at the beginning of the book. What do you notice? What do you wonder?

5. Salva's route goes from Loun-Ariik to Kakuma. What environments does he travel through?

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Last updated by Aslan
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What do you notice about how the text is laid out?

I notice there are two protagonists, Salva and Nya. Their stories remain separate through much of the book yet connected through the experience of Civil War. Salva is the primary protagonist. Both stories finally come together at the end of the book.

Please submit each of your questions one at a time. Thanks.