A Little Princess

Write a detailed account of the incident between Sara and the baker woman. What does that make you think about the baker woman?


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In Chapter 13, while she is running errands, Sara fantasizes about finding sixpence and spending it at a bakery. Lo and behold, she finds a four-penny piece buried in the mud, and realizes that she is right in front of a bakery selling delicious buns. But before she can go in, she sees a child in even worse shape than herself—one who has clearly been sleeping on the streets instead of in an attic. Sara asks the woman in the bakery if she has lost the fourpence, and the woman, realizing that Sara is going hungry, gives her six buns instead of the four she can technically afford with her coin. Sara gives five to the hungry child, keeping only one, and the woman in the bakery is so amazed by what she has witnessed that she invites the homeless child inside to warm up in honor of Sara's obvious sacrifice.

The second part of your question calls for your opinion.


A Little Princess