"A Grain of Mustard Seed" and Other Short Stories

SHOPPING by Joyce Carol Oates1987 PART B: Which quote from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

PART A: How did Mrs. Dietrich's divorce affect her relationship with Nola?

A "Mrs. Dietrich loves Nola with a fierce unreasoned passion stronger than any she felt for the man who had been her years" ( Paragraph 3)

B "This was about the time when Mr. Dietrich moved out of the house and back into their old apartment in the city- a separation, he'd called it initially" ( Paragraph 8)

C At the time of their settlement Mr. Dietrich said guiltily that it was the least he could do for them -"( Paragraph 9)

D "Mrs. Dietrich knows she isn't thinking about anything that would distress her. (Like Mr. Dietrich's betrayal." ( Paragraph 18)

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A. "Mrs. Dietrich loves Nola with a fierce unreasoned passion stronger than any she felt for the man who had been her years." ( Paragraph 3)