A Farewell to Arms

Fredrick Henry Hero's Journey

I need help finding what Atonement Fredrick Henry finds in the Winter over the course of his Hero's Journey. (Specifically who he finds Atonement with)

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Are you referring to Henry's dessertion? He reunion with Catherine, her pregnancy, and subsequent death? If so, Henry finds atonement when he walks away from his comrades and the war, and he re-establishes his relationship with Catherine. Their relationship is different this time, as Catherine has become more independent. She worries about Henry, and Henry continues to worry about her, but he has, in essence, left everything else behind to stay by her side, even though he himself is in great danger of being arrested. Their final time together is an equal partnership, and the baby's stillbirth, as well as catherine's death is devastating. His previous thoughts about what it would be like to lose Catherine have now become a reality. As Henry walks away in the novel's conclusion, we know that he will move on without regret in terms of his own actions. His time with Catherine and willingness to embrace her above all else has atoned for his previous failings.