A Doll's House

State three or more ways in which letters or messages help build suspense throughout this play.

Letters and letterboxes play an important part in A Doll's House.

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The size of the letters in mentioned in terms of the will creating suspense as to the inheritance.

Be quiet!—that he had died; and that when his will was opened it contained, written in big letters, the instruction: “The lovely Mrs. Nora Helmer is to have all I possess paid over to her at once in cash.”

The anticipation of the letter Nora wishes to hide.

"Nora (drops her cloak). Someone is coming now! (Goes to the door and listens.) No—it is no one. Of course, no one will come today, Christmas Day—nor tomorrow either. But, perhaps—(opens the door and looks out). No, nothing in the letterbox; it is quite empty. (Comes forward.) What rubbish! of course he can’t be in earnest about it. Such a thing couldn’t happen; it is impossible—I have three little children."

The worst news that Nora could receive.

"Nora (breathlessly). Torvald—what was that letter?

Helmer. Krogstad’s dismissal."


A Doll's House

How does Ibsen use letters as a symbol to show the fact that Nora and Thorvaldsen have not communicated honestly over the years?


A doll house