A Doll's House

How does Nora feel when she leaves her husband?

Also What will make Nora happy? and What does Kristine learn about herself? I also need a passage that proves my response. Thank you!

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i am happy to answer your questions. nora at the end of the third act feels ceratin and enthusiastic. she is clear minded to what she says "i have never felt my mind so clear and certain as tonight". she holds a very courageous position to overthrow the one who has jailed her for eight years. she destroys the source that produces fear in her. it is a wonderful moment for her " ah, torvald, the most wonderful thing of all would have to happen". the moment she leaves, the moment she considers herself able to exercise her faculty " no. i can receive nothing from a stranger". finally, she considers her abandonment as favourable for her and for torvald to start a new life, a new character. torvald would remain the same character if she decides not to go "both you and i would have to be so changed". all in all, she is happy because she will no longer be called by diminutive names. she will no longer wait for someone to tell her what to dress and what to eat. she is free, and she does not feel she is guilty. hope i could answer your first question friend. hope if you can just wait for me to make your second question about kristine.

This is a good answer definately, but if you wanted to add another arguement you can say it is a negative thing.

Nora has no love for her husband shown when she says “I do not love you anymore.” This may be because his epithets of “skylark” and “squirrel”, which can be interpreted as affectionate but demonstrates their relationship to be patriarchal. The patriarchal relationship may have made Nora confess she believed Torvald “never loved” her which suggests that their love has been ‘dead’.

She also leaves her children for the fear of “poisoning” them, planted by Torvalds theory of the effects parents have on their children, he also explodes “I dare not trust them to you.”

Nora’s leaving had left her nothing to survive on. Money, as proven in the play, is Torvald’s, for Nora has to manipulate him to get some – “[moving toward the stove] As you please, Torvald.” Whilst interpreted as Nora being manipulative it can be translated symbolicly that she’s moving towards the stove for physical, even emotional warmth due to unhappiness between her and Torvald, and as mentioned a lone woman in society would not be accepted and have no connections socially. The fact that it’s winter means her actual death could easily be an option without money?

Maybe you could intergrate both a positive and a negative viewpoint for this question.

Hope ive helped a little