A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol ( what is the setting contrast in stave 1 of a Christmas carol of Scrooge’s home vs his home setting in stave 2

What if the difference in stave 1 of a Scrooge's home vs the home setting in stave 2 of Scrooge's home

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Scrooge lives in the same home in all the stave chapters. The various spirits that visit change the tone of the stave but not the actual flat that Scrooge lives in. In stave one a bell in the room starts to ring, and soon all the other bells in the house do. After some time, the bells stop, and Scrooge hears the cellar-door open. Marley's ghost‹transparent and bound in a long chain made of cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses‹enters the room. In stave two Scrooge wakes up, and the bell of a neighborhood church rings from six until twelve, then stops. He wonders if he slept through the day and into another night. He looks out the window to an empty scene. He worries over Marley's ghost and wonders if it was a dream. He remembers the ghost's warning of a visit at one at night, and waits. The hour arrives, a flash of light comes in the room, his bed-curtains are drawn aside, and the figure of a small old man appears.