why does the party try to isolate citizens from each other?

why does the party try to isolate citizens from each other?

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Last updated by kari b #349215
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Isolation of citizens removes any form of "we" or relationship between people and replaces it with "I."



Isolation of citizens removes any form of "we" or relationship between people and replaces it with "I."



I think that the party try to isolate citizens from each other not only because "Isolation of citizens removes any form of "we" or relationship between people and replaces it with "I.". The thought is deeper. The Party want's to erase the past, make everyone forget about what has happened and how life was better before. Cause knowing that it was, is a strenght. Beeing together with other people, loving other people and talking about the old days promotes rebellion groups to arise in the society, and that is exactly what the party doesn't want.