What are the Physical Jerks?


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The Physical Jerks are a daily form of rudimentary exercise forced upon members of the Outer Party. It is equivalent to the calisthenics.

In George Orwell's novel "1984", the Physical Jerks are a daily exercise routine that is mandatory for all Party members. The exercises involve a series of calisthenics and stretches that are intended to keep the body in good physical condition and to promote discipline and obedience to the Party. The exercises are described as being grueling and demanding, with Party members being required to perform them in unison and with great precision. The Physical Jerks are also used as a means of reinforcing the Party's control over its members, as failure to participate or to perform the exercises properly can result in punishment or even imprisonment. Overall, the Physical Jerks are a symbol of the Party's totalitarian regime and its desire to control not only the thoughts and actions of its citizens but also their bodies.