12 Angry Men

12 angry men

how does the setting outside the jury room reflect the action within the jury room?

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It's a hot day and you are sitting in the last class of the day: history. As the teacher talks endlessly about some war, all you can think about is the back of your shirt sticking to your sweaty skin. You look at the one fan at the front of the room. You sigh as you look at the jammed window that will not open as another bead of sweat trickles down your cheek.

This scenario is quite similar to the one faced by the characters of 12 Angry Men. This drama by Reginald Rose, set in New York City during the summertime in the 1950s in a court jury room, gives the reader a firsthand view of the suspense, or uncertainty and anxiety the reader feels, found in that jury room as well as the many different personalities that affect the outcome of any jury verdict. One major influence in that suspense is the setting of the play, or when and where the action takes place. In this case, the setting is the jury room itself.

