Will Grayson, Will Grayson Literary Elements

Will Grayson, Will Grayson Literary Elements


Young Adult Fiction, Coming of Age

Setting and Context

Chicago, Illinois

Narrator and Point of View

Narrated by Will Grayson and will grayson (lowercase intentional), in first person.
Alternating chapters for each of the Wills.

Tone and Mood

Coming of age; humorous; philosophical; hopeful.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonists are Will Grayson and will grayson. The antagonist could be said to be Maura.

Major Conflict

Will Grayson and will grayson finally cross paths in a porn shop in downtown Chicago when they realize that Isaac isn't real and that Jane has a new boyfriend - which made Will think that maybe he didn't really like her in the first place.


Jane breaks up with her ex-boyfriend and gives Will a proper chance. At the same time, will decides to break up with Tiny due to him feeling overwhelmed with the boy. This makes Will realize, once again, just how much he really loves his best friend. When getting ready for opening night for the play, Will helps Tiny while will figures out a plan to see Tiny in person at the play. Relationships even themselves out.


The fact that Isaac isn't real can be seen from the first few chapters, due to lack of proof of existence - 'catfishing' theme.


At the end of the story, will grayson organizes a tribute to Tiny Cooper, for reassurance and appreciation. When will starts his story in Chapter 2, he talks about suicide and homicide, which greatly compares to the ending when he realizes his deepening connection to everyone else - he starts understanding love and the extensive possibilities that life has to offer.


Pop-culture references (such as Elton John, Kelly Clarkson, Chicago White Sox, etc.)
Literary references: Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Harper Lee and S.E. Hinton.
Biblical References: Genesis and Leviticus.
Historical references: Einstein and Schrödinger's theory.


Tiny Cooper's play symbolizing love and the complexity of life.
The Schrödinger's cat theory resembles Will's view on relationships and the flaws in his philosophy of not caring.
Playing baseball is the main representation of Tiny and Will's friendship and how their outlook differs from one another.


Change in philosophy for will grayson, a sense of enlightenment under the influence of Will Grayson, even though at first they both seemed hopeless.


Will Grayson and will grayson's stories are oddly similar and linked. When something goes wrong in one's life, same happens in the other's. One such example is the meeting in the shop, when Will realizes that Jane has a boyfriend and will finds out that Isaac wasn't real.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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