Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Themes

Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Themes

The law and justice

The law and justice is one of the most important themes in the novel. At the heart of the novel is Theo's struggle to contend with what is right and what is lawful. This is exemplified when Theo, who has a profound interest in law and justice because of his parents, finds himself in possession of information that could change the course of Peter Duffy's murder trial. However, obtaining and revealing this information might not be entirely legal or safe for Theo or for Julio, the young immigrant boy who gave him the information. The theme prompts readers to question the extent to which one should go to ensure justice and how morality can sometimes clash with the law as it is written.

The importance of role models

Throughout the story, Theodore is surrounded by adults who play pivotal roles in his life and his development as a young adult. For example, his parents, who are both lawyers, foster his interest in the law and justice; a judge becomes his mentor; and the detectives he interacts with as they investigate the murder surrounding Peter Duffy help him realize the importance of the truth. The narrative underscores how inspirational role models can be and how they can challenge and direct the paths of those who are younger than them. It also serves as a reminder for adults about the responsibility and impact they carry in the lives of the younger generation, many of whom have a thirst for guidance.

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