Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The courthouse symbolizes Theodore's passion for law. The courthouse is mentioned throughout the novel. Theodore attends court sessions weekly and has made it a routine. Theodore's parents are lawyers. The courthouse reminds Theodore of his passion for law, and he keeps learning new terminologies every day. Theodore applies the knowledge he gains from the courthouse in school. Despite being 13 years of age, Theodore has a good mastery of the law, and he helps his fellow students understand how cases are handled in court. Therefore, the courthouse is an important symbol in the novel because it signifies Theodore's infatuation to become one of the best lawyers in the future.

Peter Duffy’s Golf gloves

Peter Duffy's golf gloves symbolize truth. Peter Duffy is facing murder charges. According to the police reports, Duffy killed his wife on a golf course over insurance claims. However, the court does not have sufficient evidence to sentence Duffy. Theodore finds the golf gloves Duffy used when murdering his wife. The golf gloves are the new evidence that Theodore presents before the court to prove that Duffy killed his wife. As a result, Duffy is sentenced to death for committing murder.

The parent's law office

The law office of Theodore's parents symbolizes inspiration. After school in the evenings, Theodore spends most of his time in his parents' law office to peruse various cases handled by his parents. Looking at how his parents handle cases inspires Theodore to become a lawyer like them. Theodore's parents are his role models, and he finds their office a perfect place to study law.

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