The Fly (1986 Film) Themes

The Fly (1986 Film) Themes


It is often hard to distinguish themes of outlandish movies like this one, but love is an important theme that surfaces in many works. The love between Seth and Veronica seems unbreakable at first, but it is ruined, ironically, by the same thing that got them to meet each other - the telepods. In the movie, viewers see how hard it is to morally live up to the standards of love, and the abortion that Veronica wanted to have could be considered selfish, just because she doesn't want to have something that might, but very likely is not, a fly.


Many of the characters in the novel are jealous of one another, and it is quite an important theme to the story. If we were not jealous creatures, than perhaps not as many bad things would happen - but that doesn't mean that jealousy is a bad emotion. Stathis Borans, an old boyfriend of Veronica's, becomes jealous of Seth when he and Veronica fall in love. Seth is also jealous of Borans when Veronica is not at the house one day, and he assumes that she is with him. So, he goes into a telepod without her, and that is when the whole dilemma started. Perhaps, if he had rationalized that Veronica wasn't deserting him, just out somewhere, then he wouldn't have gotten himself into so much trouble.

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