Ten Little Indians Summary

Ten Little Indians Summary

The Search Engine

Corliss is fond of books, especially of poetry. That love has been her guiding star since childhood. Regardless of what her family and numerous relatives say, Corliss’ love grows stronger and stronger. The day when she finds a book of poetry written by another Spokane Indian is the luckiest one for her, for here is a proof that Indians not only write but publish poetry.

Lawyer’s League

A son of an African American sportsman and a lovely Spokane Indian ballerina looks for his place in this world. Trying to improve living conditions of a local Indian community, he works hard to become a politician.

Can I Get a Witness?

The woman enjoys her meal at a local restaurant when the explosion happens. This is a terrorist attack. The woman manages to survive, but than an explosion of another sort happens. She feels instantly attracted to a man she has never seen before.

Do Not Go Gentle

The young family tries to find strengths after a terrible tragedy that happened to their little son. The boy is in a coma and doesn’t show any signs of being awake. Contrary their traditions, the parents decide to give their boy a name.

Flight Patterns

William wakes up after a terrible nightmare. He has been suffering from them for a quite long period of time. This is a day when he has to go on a business trip, but he is sick with worry about Marie and Grace. Every time he leaves them, he imagines how a murder breaks in, rapes, and kills his family. The taxi driver who takes him to the airport helps William to pour his fears out.

The Life and Times of Estelle Walks Above

The young man recollects his teenage years that were filled with sexual exploration and embarrassment caused by his mother who decided to become whole and more Indian.

Do You Know Where I Am?

According to their relatives and friends, the protagonist and Sharon are a happy couple. They have been in love since childhood. The beautiful image of the loveliest family gets destroyed when the protagonist learns about his wife’s cheating. They manage to rebuild their family and stay together until Sharon dies.

What You Pawn I Will Redeem

The protagonist is the best at being homeless. He has been living like that for six years and is quite satisfied with that kind of living. However, peacefulness comes to an end when he decides that he wants to return his grandmother’s powwow regalia.

What Ever Happened to Frank Snake Church?

Tired and sick, Frank tries to get away from that trail before he dies. All of sudden, he falls and gets “cursed” with his first real vision! Franks sees that his father is lying dead on the kitchen floor. However, when he finally manages to get to his father’s house, he finds the old man alive. Contrary to Frank’s vision, Harrison dies in a year. The man is destroyed; he quits the job, and spends his days crying for his dead father. It goes on like that until he decides to change. He tries to find salvation in basketball. He becomes anorexic, then he becomes fat, and – finally – he becomes a student at forty one. However, his self-destroying tendencies don’t stop.

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