Ten Little Indians Characters

Ten Little Indians Character List


Corliss is a young Spokane Indian who is mad about poetry. Neither her family nor the community understands her, but this young woman doesn’t really care. (From The Search Engine)

Harlan Atwater

Harlan Atwater is a failed poet. What is more, he is a Spokane Indian too. (From The Search Engine)


Richard is the protagonist of Lawyer’s League. He is a young half African-American and half Indian man who strives to be a politician. (From Lawyer’s League)


Teresa is a young woman whom Richard fancies. (From Lawyer’s League)

The protagonist

The protagonist of Can I get a Witness? is “the wife of a big man and a mother of two teenage sons.” She works as a paralegal. She seems to be a completely typical middle-class woman, but it is not like that. She hates her husband, her two sons, but most of all she hates her life. (From Can I Get a Witness?)

Mr. Funny

Mr. Funny is the young white man the protagonist is attracted to. (From Can I Get a Witness?)

The young parents

The young parents are the protagonists of the story. Their little son is in coma. (From Do Not Go Gentle)


Abraham is the son of the protagonists. (From Do Not Go Gentle)

Mr. Grief

Mr. Grief is the illness that tries to take their son away. (From Do Not Go Gentle)

William Loman

William Loman is the protagonist of the story. He is a Spokane Indian and an “obsessive-compulsive workaholic.” (From Flight Patterns)


Marie is William’s wife. (From Flight Patterns)


Grace is William’s daughter. (From Flight Patterns)


Fekadu is a taxi driver who takes William to the airport. Two men have a long talk that manages to wake up William’s fears and complexes, but it helps him to understand himself better. (From Flight Patterns)


Benjamin is the protagonist of the Life and Times of Estelle Walks Above.


Bettina is Benjamin’s aunt. (From The Life and Times of Estelle Walks Above)


Estelle is Benjamin’s mother. She is a Spokane Indian who studied her way into the University of Washington “during a time when she was pretty much the only Indian on campus.” (From The Life and Times of Estelle Walks Above)


Sharon is the protagonist’s wife. They were college sweethearts. (From Do You Know Where I Am?)

Mary and Marvin

Mary and Marvin are the protagonist’s parents. (From Do You Know Where I Am?)

Wilson and Pauline

Wilson and Pauline are Sharon’s parents. (From Do You Know Where I Am?)

The protagonist

The protagonist is a Spokane Indian. He marries his long-term girlfriend and considers himself a lucky man until he finds out that his wife cheats on him. (From Do You Know Where I Am?)

Michael Joyce

Michael Joyce is Sharon’s lover. (From Do You Know Where I Am?)


Jackson Jackson is the protagonist is the protagonist of the story. He is a homeless Spokane Indian who lives in Seattle. (From What You Pawn I Will Redeem)

Rose of Sharon and Junior

Rose of Sharon and Junior are members of Jackson Jackson’s crew. (From What You Pawn I Will Redeem)

Officer Williams

Officer Williams is a cop who helps Jackson and gives thirty bucks to him, for the cop believes that Jackson can turn them into a thousand somehow. (From What You Pawn I Will Redeem)


Frank is the protagonist . He is a thirty-nine years old man who works as a forest ranger at Mount Rainier. (From What Ever Happened to Frank Snake Church?)

Harrison Snake Church

Harrison Snake Church is Frank’s father. (From What Ever Happened to Frank Snake Church?)


Russell is a personal trainer and a friend of Frank. (From What Ever Happened to Frank Snake Church?)

Double O

Double O is Frank’s sport rival. (From What Ever Happened to Frank Snake Church?)


Stephanie is a Native American admission officer at the college. (From What Ever Happened to Frank Snake Church?)

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