Stargirl Irony

Stargirl Irony

Irony of Laughter

Stargirl should have behaved how all the other students behaved. She should have laughed and talked when they laughed and talked. But when she laughed, there was no joke. Students found that misleading and awkward and continued staying away from her.

Irony of friendship

Stargirl is very extroverted and talks to everyone around her. She makes cards and sings songs for everyone. Yet no one returns her affection. She was the friendliest person at school, yet no one returned her friendship.

Irony of happiness

On the outside, Stargirl continues to drop off flowers and buy gifts and trinkets for everyone around her. But every day, the pebbles in her mood pebble wagon reduced one by one until there were none.

Irony of Popularity

Stargirl gained popularity by being on the cheerleading team and showing her exciting personality. But as quickly as she went up the social ladder, she dropped down as soon as she went to help a wounded football player from the other team. Suddenly the whole school shunned her, and it was like she hadn't been popular at all.

Irony of Mica High

Mica High is located in a small city in Arizona, where it's all desert and only cacti around. Yet in all the dust and dryness comes Stargirl, a dash of color in a world of black and white. While the rest of the city takes on a gloomy persona, Stargirl skips around in her colorful clothing and her extravagant action, causing a ray of sunshine to glow through to this small city. She brings warmth to a dry place and brings life just as the cactus flower gives a burst of color in a monotone place.

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