So Far From God Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

So Far From God Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Christian Allegory

The author has employed the Christian allegory of Christ and resurrection. La Loca was resurrected after her death like Christ and people started worshipping her like a holy saint. She possessed the healing powers and the powers of foretelling like Christ. Christ used to heal people both physically and spiritually and La Loca possess the same qualities. She secluded herself from the society in order to focus on the spiritual growth. La Loca was considered dead, when she died at a very early age but suddenly, she woke up and asserted that she had visited paradise, Limbo and heck. The places are also included in Christian beliefs and people will be ascribed to them according to their deeds. La Loca serves as a holy figure and guide people like a saint.


Sofi symbolizes hope and determination regardless of the hurdles in life. She had four daughters to look after and she had no one to stand by her side. Despite of being alone, she took great care of her daughters and helped them in the worst times of their lives. Her daughters found shelter in her lap after getting betrayed by their fiancé and husbands. She promulgated the notion of wisdom and strong will and asked her daughters to overcome their fears and sorrows. She tried to understand their situations, instead of blaming them and eventually succeeded in making them strong.


Feminism is a recurrent motif in the novel as it has been demonstrated through the situations faced by Sofia and her daughters. The women got betrayed by the men and became the victim of violence and exploitation. Sofi married her husband because she loved him, but Domingo did not feel reluctant before selling her land. He did not bother about his wife or daughters. Caridad was cheated by her husband, who had an affair with another woman and Fe was betrayed by her fiancé. The women suffered because of the men in their lives and they were not bestowed with their rights. Sofi takes stand for all the women who suffered betrayal and dejection by the society and the men around them. She consoles her daughters and acts as a buffer on their wounds. She strives for the rights of women and urge them to fight as well.

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