So Far From God Themes

So Far From God Themes

Social Exploitation

Women suffered through social exploitation by men, society and the social institutions. Caridad was exploited both physically and sexually by the men around her. Fe died because of interacting with harmful chemicals. The novel also throws light on the exploitation of poor and the minorities because of the lack of policies by the government. The increase in unemployment and the toxic effects of chemicals on humans and their continuous use in the factories for various purposes have been highlighted by the author. The novel also explores the sexual exploitation of women by the society and the struggles that they underwent for their survival. Sofia struggles to survive in the patriarchal society without the support of her husband. Esperanza strives to make a career in a male dominated profession. Fe and Caridad make efforts of survival after being exploited by their fiancé and husband.


The theme of betrayal is evident throughout the novel. Sofia is betrayed by her husband, when he tried to sell the land which belonged to Sofia and it was bestowed to her by her father. Domingo never loved her wife or daughters and occupied himself with gambling. Fe was betrayed by her fiancé, who broke the relationship and married to another girl. She suffered from nervous breakdown after getting the letter of breakup and she was saved only miraculously. Esperanza’s boyfriend also left her for a white girl. Caridad’s husband was also unfaithful to her and she got indulged in alcohol and sexual relationships because of his betrayal.


Another important theme in the novel is survival despite of the trials of life. Sofia was a strong-willed woman, who struggled and faced the hardships without the assistance of her husband. She provided solace to her daughters after their failed relationships and did not give up at any time in her life. She tolerated the frivolous activities of her husband and remained strong even after the deaths of her daughters. The theme of survival has also been demonstrated through the daughters of Sofia, who suffered the worst circumstances but did not lose hope. Although they fell to despair for some time but eventually, they stand up with their heads erect. Esperanza used her tragedy as a catalyst to succeed in her life. Sofia endured the tragedies of her life with patience, wisdom and courage and eventually she became an example for the women of her community.

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