Jackie and Me Literary Elements

Jackie and Me Literary Elements


Historical fiction

Setting and Context

The book is set in the United States of America in the 20th century.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood


Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character is Jacqueline, while the antagonist is Jack.

Major Conflict

There is a conflict between Jacqueline and Jack. Jacqueline looks forward to a happy relationship, but Jack is marrying only for convenience.


The climax comes when Jack marries Jacqueline in a colorful wedding.


When Jack asks Lem to date Jacqueline on his behalf, it foreshadows the lack of his commitment when he finally marries Jacqueline.


Jack’s remark that he is not a beast is an understatement because he later proves to be worse.


The story alludes to American political and historical events.


The description of Jack's political schedule paints a picture of a busy man who does not even have time to date the woman he intends to marry.


The primary paradox is that Jacqueline doubts Jack's commitment to the marriage, but she gets married anyway. However, she is disappointed when she later learns that Jack does not love her.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

The secret service is a metonymy for the presidential security team in the USA.



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