Eye Killers: A Novel Themes

Eye Killers: A Novel Themes


The main theme of the novel is the theme of supernatural world. Creatures like vampires, monsters, and animals as speaking spiritual guides come alive in this world where traditional and modern interpretations of supernatural are intertwined. There are re-tellings of old Native American stories of symbolical beings of Changing women, Coyotes, witches and Eye Killers. The main supernatural creature in the novel is traditionally called Eye Killer, or a vampire according to modern interpretation. It has a classic vampire story of a long and hopeless life, thirst for blood and murder, desire for eternal love and philosophical contemplation of time, life and death.


Love is a notable theme of the novel as well. Falke, in his twisted and manipulative way, is guided with the desire for eternal love, and he kidnaps Melissa in hopes she is the reincarnation of his one true love. Familiar love, familiar bond is important part of the novel. Michael is guided with his love towards his ancestors, towards his late wife and draws strength from love to rescue his granddaughter. Michael is a part of a love story with Elizabeth as well. Their love connection is understated, but shown through his honesty towards her despite her belonging to the enemy. Elizabeth gets more in tune with the small human part of her when she meets Michael and this results in that human part and desire for life to prevail.

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