Eye Killers: A Novel Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Eye Killers: A Novel Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Changing woman

The Changing woman is a part of Navajo story-telling retold to Michael by his grandmother. The Changing woman changes like earth's seasons, being the strongest in spring and weakest in winter. Michael remembers catching the Changing woman but now she is gone, his wife is dead. Needless to say, the Changing woman symbolizes an entire life cycle of a woman.


Names are said to have very important meaning in the novel, and each person carries the true name inside. Names represent power and strength, but also weakness if they fall into enemy's hands. This symbolism of names is connected to the Native American tradition which constructs the novel's plot along with supernatural elements.


To a long and hopeless life, death symbolizes an escape, a cocoon, a haven. These are the thoughts of Elizabeth who was forces into an eternal life, leaving her innocence behind, and seeing the time pass by her endlessly.


The coyote is a symbol of Navajo culture. These animals represent warning of the coming nature. The coyote symbolizes a spiritual guide to humans as well, and there is an often apparition of a coyote creature whom Michael calls Grandfather and who leads him into his fateful path.

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