Badlands (1973 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Badlands (1973 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Holly is in her front yard twirling her baton while working on her routine. This is a symbol of her youth and she represents an innocence that has not yet been corrupted by the violence of the world.

James Dean

Kit is referred to many times throughout the film as looking just like James Dean. He goes on a killing spree and by the end of the film this comparison to Dean becomes a symbol of how America idolizes violence and those who perpetrate it as if they were a film star.


Kit holds his rifle over his shoulders while standing in the open farmland and looks like a human scarecrow. This is a symbol of how Kit believes he is Holly's protector warding off anyone or anything that may come and try to steal from their plot of land.


We see Kit and Holly playing cards underneath the shads of large trees near the river. There are two trees growing in opposite directions which is a symbol of their relationship and how it is not in harmony.


We watch as Kit drives off-road in the darkness of night. We only see a few feet in front of the car of what's illuminated by the car's headlights. This is a symbol that Kit and Holly have gone of the path of life and are traveling not only with no vision of what's ahead but they are plummeting into it at dangerous speeds.

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