Badlands (1973 Film) Irony

Badlands (1973 Film) Irony

Young Love

Kit and Holly are seen falling in love slowly over the course of the beginning of the film. Ironically this sweet and tender nature turns into a killing spree when Holly's father rejects her daughters marriage to Kit who begins their murderous run by shooting and killing him.


Kit is finally arrested at the end of the film after Holly has turned herself in. Ironically once in custody, Kit seems to have become famous in the public eye. We see a father pointing Kit out to his child and the police shaking hands with Kit as if it were a pleasure to have spent time with him.

Into the Woods

Kit and Holly find their way to a treehouse in a remote part of the forest. It appears they will be able to survive here for some time without being seen or disturbed as they are able to steal food. Ironically they are found by three bounty hunters who've been tracking them and this causes Kit to continue his murder spree.


Kit shoots and kills Holly's father after he refuses to allow Holly to marry him. Ironically Holly stays with Kit and goes on the run with him after he dumps her father's body in their barn.


Holly's father doesn't approve of her relationship with bad boy Kit. Ironically his answer to rejecting their relationship isn't simply to stop them from being together, rather he shoots Holly's dog. And in one act reveals how the father has remained juvenile in his ability to deal with the hard emotional circumstances of life.

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