Badlands (1973 Film) Cast List

Badlands (1973 Film) Cast List

Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen plays the character of Kit Carruthers, a Korean War veteran. Martin Sheen’s name is Ramón Gerard Antonio Estévez, and one of the first movies he became known in was Badlands. He is an actor and activist and has won several awards. He doesn’t have anything in common with the character Kit Carruthers, except their age, though he found the manuscript enticing, which is why he decided to take the role.

Sissy Spacek

Sissy Spacek’s full name is Mary Elizabeth “Sissy” Spacek. Her Alma mater is Actors Studio, where she is an actress and a singer. Her first major role was – similarly to Martin Sheen- Badlands. She didn’t originally plan to be an actor, but her career as a singer didn’t spur and she later found out she did well as an actor. Sissy though the way an innocent girl could be desensitized from such an early age was important.

Warren Oates

Warren Oates plays the role of Holly Sargis’ Father, also referred to as Mr. Sargis. He is wise and sees that Kit Carruthers is not to be trusted from the early stages of Kit and Holly’s relationship. Warren Mercer Oates died when he was only 53 years old in 1982 of a heart attack after several weeks of high fever.

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