An Actor Prepares Themes

An Actor Prepares Themes

Age vs. Inexperience

Tortsov is a well-seasoned actor. He teaches as if he had always known the lessons and executed the techniques perfectly. On the other hand Kostya is a young student, who has next to no previous acting experience. He immediately, almost intuitively, gives Tortsov the respect due his years of experience. What Kostya lacks isn't skill but time in which to develop and learn. The relationship between age and inexperience is respect.


The students in the class all begin the semester on fairly equal footings. None of them have any substantial previous acting experience. Over the course of the class, they bond closely with one another. Being thrown into an entire world of foreign terminology, techniques, and postures, they rely upon one another to fully understand concepts and practice what they are learning. As a collective, they progress through the class. Relationships form and thrive. This is a true depiction of camaraderie.


Kostya and his classmates come into the class with no previous acting experience. In order to learn the complex and demanding techniques which Tortsov is teaching, they have to practice a lot. In their spare time they meet together to practice what they're learning under the master. This constant, meticulous devotion to their studies is what results in success at the end of the semester. Without prompting, they better understand the genius of their director because of the countless hours which they themselves have to work in order to even understand the most basic of his techniques.

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