An Actor Prepares Irony

An Actor Prepares Irony

Irony of Tortsov and Kostya

Tortsov and Kostya, despite being to completely different characters, are essentially one and the same person, just at different points in time. Tortsov is Stanislavsky as a seasoned, well-respected veteran of the stage, and Kostya is Stanislavsky as an eager, impressionable rookie actor learning the subtleties of acting. It is through these two characters and their mentor-mentee relationship that the author makes not just his points of what makes an excellent actor on stage/film but also how to function as a cooperative, contributing member of an acting troupe or cast.

Irony of Physicality

One of the hallmarks of Tortsov’s teaching method is to have the students undergo a strict regimen of physical exercises. He has them go through these rounds because the old teacher has a clear understanding that an excellent performance is actually rooted in a strong, healthy body.The young actors however see it as a waste of time and a drudgery they need to endure rather than as an absolute necessity for their craft, unable to make the connection due to their lack of experience.

Irony of “The Method”

The young students are in for a surprise when they enter Tortsov’s acting class because of his completely unorthodox methods. Rather than merely demanding the students to memorize scripts and force emotion into the roles they will be playing, their teacher has them go through a rigorous, highly systematized method of his own creation. Using his interdisciplinary approach he has them going through calisthenics, long philosophical discussions of emotions and the human mind, as well as meditative exercises.

Irony of Emotional Content

The author posits that a role cannot simply run on raw emotions but rather the correct, precise emotion; producing the correct emotion needed to lend credence to a role however is heavily reliant upon an actor’s ability to dig deep from his own mental and emotional storehouses which is in turn developed from discipline, constant practice, and introspection.

Irony of the Author’s Motivation

The novel is part autobiography and part instruction manual written to help actors grow into the best versions of their professional selves for the sheer joy of imparting knowledge and the development of talented thespians. It was never intended for profit or self-aggrandizement. It was created to produce actors that could act with such great emotional depth rather than actors who would make millions in ticket sales.

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