An Actor Prepares Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is the theme of practice and gradual progression discussed in the narrative?

    The theme of practice and gradual progression through feedback is a major theme in the narrative. This particular theme, the author argues, is central to not just learning to act but central to becoming an excellent and effective actor. The method discussed in the novel is intended to train a would-be actor to produce great performances reliably, despite the role, script, or conditions that they play in and the theme is discussed primarily through the character Kostya, the author’s in-novel stand in. He is written to be the ideal student and he possesses the traits that the author believes to be critical for any actor who wishes to become a truly accomplished thespian: enthusiastic, committed to his craft, and responsive to feedback.

  2. 2

    Stage lights are a frequent used symbol in the narrative; what does it represent?

    The stage lights are used by theater staff to draw the focus of the audience to a particular scene, actor, or prop. It is able to create maximum impact by removing other distracting stimuli within the theater and as such evoke more powerful experiences from the viewers. The author uses this image to symbolize an actor’s focus and attention to detail that allows one to faithfully draw out little nuances of a character portrayal which gives immense depth to the role being played. In doing this the actor is also able to single out a specific trait of a role being played; this heightens the theatrical experience in similar fashion to a spotlight.

  3. 3

    What does the line “…To arouse a desire to create is difficult; to kill that desire is extremely easy…” mean?

    The character Kostya arrives late in class because he had overslept and is admonished by their instructor for it. Beyond being deeply embarrassed by the chastening he receives he is also greatly affected by the realization that his blunder has also robbed his contemporaries of valuable learning time as they are forced to wait for him so that they could properly rehearse—a far greater infraction than just being tardy. On that day Kostya learns that the creative, artistic desire to perform is not something that is easily willed or spurred into motion but it is however easily quenched by something as seemingly trivial as being late. He learns therefore that professionalism and dedication to his craft is just as important as talent and the sheer joy of performance.

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