... y no se lo tragó la tierra


  • Augenbraum, Harold; Fernández Olmos, Margarite (1997), «Tomás Rivera», en Augenbraum, Harold; Fernández Olmos, Margarite, eds., The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, p. 290, ISBN 978-0395765289 ..
  • Bruce-Novoa, Juan D. (1980), «Tomás Rivera», Chicano Authors: Inquiry by Interview, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, pp. 137-61, ISBN 978-0292710627 ..
  • Bruce-Novoa, Juan D. (1982), «Notes», Chicano Poetry: A Response to Chaos, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, p. 218, ISBN 0292710755 .
  • Hinojosa, Rolando (1988), «Tomas Rivera (1935-1984)», en Lattin, Vernon E.; Hinojosa, Rolando; Keller, Gary D., eds., Tomás Rivera, 1935-1984: The Man and His Work, Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review, pp. 64–65, ISBN 978-0916950897 ..
  • Lattin, Vernon E.; Hinojosa, Rolando; Keller, Gary D., eds. (1988), Tomás Rivera, 1935-1984: The Man and His Work, Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review, ISBN 978-0916950897 ..
  • Patell, Cyrus R. K. (2004), «Emergent Ethnic Literatures: Native American, Hispanic, Asian American», en Hendin, Josephine G., ed., A Concise Companion to Postwar American Literature and Culture, Malden, MA: Blackwell, pp. 351-382, ISBN 978-1405121804 ..
  • Rivera, Tomás, «The Professional Life of Tomás Rivera: Curriculum Vita», en Lattin, Vernon E.; Hinojosa, Rolando; Keller, Gary D., eds., Tomás Rivera, 1935-1984: The Man and His Work, Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review, pp. 54–63, ISBN 978-0916950897 ..
  • Secretary of the Regents of the University of California, «In Memory of Tomás Rivera», en Lattin, Vernon E.; Hinojosa, Rolando; Keller, Gary D., eds., Tomás Rivera, 1935-1984: The Man and His Work, Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review, p. 66, ISBN 978-0916950897 ..
  • Shirley, Carl R.; Shirley, Paula W. (1988), «Novel», Understanding Chicano Literature, Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, pp. 121–124, ISBN 0872495752 ..

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