To Kill a Mockingbird

What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about "some kind of men"?

What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about "some kind of men"?

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In Chapter Five, Scout asks Miss. Maudie about Boo Radley, and Miss Maudie says that he's still alive, he just doesn't like to come outside. She also says that most of the rumors about him aren't true. Miss Maudie explains that the Radleys are foot-washing Baptists - they believe all pleasure is a sin against God, and stay inside most of the time reading the Bible. She alludes that Boo's family kept him locked away because his behavior was shameful, and possibly looked upon as a sin. "Some kind of men" is meant to describe people who preach the necessity of living one way, but who do not live what they preach. These men are viewed as hypocrites.
