The Importance of Being Earnest

How were Bunbury and Ernest similar?

Bunbury and Ernest are both similar characters. Both have been invented by men who don't fell really confortable with their lifes, so both are imaginary characters that don't exist. Algernon and Worthing use this characters to do things and to know about people that before couldn't. These imaginary men, have trouble many time, one of them is invalid and the other wicked, so both need the help of the brother and the friend, Algy and Jack. Thanks to these problematic men, Jack can escape from the country and Algernon from town. True?

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True, both Bunbury and Ernest are fictional, made-up characters, who allow Jack and Algernon to escape the country and city respectively. These characters allow Jack and Algernon to escape their boredom and pursue their interests without question.


The Importance of Being Earnest