The Caucasian Chalk Circle

how does theme of "misuse of power" portrayed in the text?

theme of misuse of power

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One example of the misuse of power is found in the character of Azdak. Azdak took over as Judge when the Governor was overthrown. Unfortunately, his judicial decisions have nothing to do with justice or the law, but rather who is willing to give him the best bribe.


The Caucasian Chalk Circle

The fat prince misuses his power by trying to impose his nephew as judge.

The governor would rather construct an extension to the palace when his people are suffering.

The princes misuse the money meant for war

the corporal sells the horses and makes the soldiers walk over long distances.


caucassian chalk circle

the judge azdak uses his mandate to ludovica to ask her for a sex



no using internet!

Why would Michael, one child, be cared for by two doctors at ago when the society languishes in abject poverty. This is the height of misuse of power



agreed bernard

@ Fergus convince me that azdak had sex with Ludovica.....speaking of inspecting the scene crime just thinking that azdak was kinda putting on that charade so as to get the roan he for thought......