
Arrange the events in the order that they take place in acts III, IV, and V of Macbeth.

  • Malcolm becomes the king of Scotland.

  • Macbeth arranges a banquet to celebrate becoming king.
  • Macbeth's assassins murder Macduff’s wife and children.
  • Macduff encounters Macbeth in battle.
  • Macbeth goes to the witches’ cave to consult them.
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Macbeth arranges a banquet to celebrate becoming king.

Macbeth goes to the witches’ cave to consult them.

Macbeth's assassins murder Macduff’s wife and children.

Macduff encounters Macbeth in battle.

Malcolm becomes the king of Scotland.

Edmentum Assessments

Macbeth murders Duncan and becomes the king of Scotland. However, he is insecure in his position as he remembers the witches' prophecy that Banquo’s descendants will be kings. His ambition makes him plot other killings, but his plans start going awry. Which event is the turning point in Macbeth