Invisible Man

is it necessary for the narrator to be invisible? are all the blacks in the novel invisible?

pls answer. i need it to have my essay

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No, all of the blacks in the novel are not invisible; example, the black man in the paint factory


Invisible Man

why the author invisible

Is invisibility necessary? For the narrator, yes, it is. His conflict about how he perceives himself and the way he is perceived by others necessitates his invisibility. Others cannot know who he is until he learns to understand and know himself. This self imposed isolation allows him to come to terms with who he is, and as a result he can allow others to see him as well.


Invisible Man

It is not neccesary for the narrator to be invisible. He is invisible because he feels as if no one can see him for who he truly is. The narrator cannot even see himself for who he truly is. Therefore, the narrator is invisible to both himself and others around him.

What the narrator needs to learn is that, in order to become visible, he must accept his past and hwo he is, not what others want him to be. Once he can see himself, he can become visible to others as well.

Not all African Americans in this novel are invisible. Some who are, are fighting to become visible. For example: The vet that the narrator meets at the Golden Day is definately not invisible. He speaks what he believes is right, and does not care what society thinks of him. Because of this, society then thinks of him as "dangerous." When they see someone not fitting the description they bestowed upon them, and see how they are beocoming visible, they are afraid. They are afraid that he will influence others to stand up as well. So, they sent the vet to another city, trying to make him invisible to others once more.

The African Americans who are not invisible are constantly being forced back into invisibility. What the narrator needs to learn is that, when you stand up for what you believe in, not everyone will always be on your side. But what you need to remember is that what you are fighting for is right; and you'll go down fighting.


Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison