The Wachowskis Essays
How Karma Affects the Characters in Cloud Atlas 12th Grade
Cloud Atlas (2012 Film)
Cloud Atlas is a very confusing story at first, with many interconnected storylines and characters spanning hundreds of years. One of the driving forces of this movie is the idea of karma and being reborn over and over again, each new life being...
Philosophy in Film - The Matrix 11th Grade
The Matrix
Numerous precedents prevail for the idea that the ‘real world’ is an illusion. Wachowski’s ‘The Matrix’, a twisted, alluring and psychological tale, deeply explores the concept of fake and false realities, debating the real world and society’s...
Jean Baudrillard’s Concepts of Simulacrum and Hyper-Reality Across Media: Strange Days, The Matrix, and White Noise College
The Matrix
A number of texts that define themselves within the post- modern category have attempted to capture the essence of Jean Baudrillard’s concepts of simulacrum and hyper- reality. Simulacrum can be described as ‘something having merely the form or...