Gary Ross Essays
Applying Hallie and Hobbes to “The Hunger Games": Philosophical Analysis College
The Hunger Games (2012 Film)
“May the odds be ever in your favor,” are the notorious words of Effie Trinket in the first installment of “The Hunger Games” movies. The dystopian story takes place in the post-apocalyptic society of Panem in North America, 74 years after a...
Media, Trauma, and Survival: Psychological Strategies in the Hunger Games College
The Hunger Games (2012 Film)
In addition to delighting and surprising millions of young people, the film The Hunger Games[1]exemplifies many aspects of media psychology. That is, the film - as well as the book from which it is adapted – reflects many of the theories...
Quick Thinking in the Toughest Times: Heroism in Seabiscuit and Jasper Jones 9th Grade
Seabiscuit (2003 Film)
In both the movie Seabiscuit by director Gary Ross and the novel Jasper Jones by author Craig Silvey, many heroes hidden in plain sight can be found. These characters are very similar in certain elements such as Johnny Pollard, who is also known...