Denis Villeneuve Essays
Blade Runner 2049: On Consciousness 10th Grade
Blade Runner 2049
A stoic man recalls an old memory. He’s a child running through an abandoned factory looking to hide a something before it is stolen by the gang of unruly, marauding kids that is chasing him. Eventually, when he’s an adult, he finds it hidden...
I Experience, Therefore I Am: A Case for an Evolutionary View of Self from Plato to Blade Runner to Arrival 11th Grade
Arrival (2016 Film)
Plato’s allegory of the cave tells the story of a group of men bound together in chains from birth, locked away from the world in a deep, dark cave. They are forced to stare at the wall of the cave and are unable to look around at each other and...
Arrival: Dissecting Film language/ Language of film College
Arrival (2016 Film)
In Arrival, filmmaker Denis Villeneuve tackles a theme that can be summed up by a quote from the film that says, “it's the theory that the language you speak determines how you think and affects how you see everything” (Villeneuve, 2016). From...
The Illusion of Free Will in a Deterministic Universe: An Analysis of 'Arrival' College
Arrival (2016 Film)
“If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?” is a query made by the protagonist, Dr. Louise Banks (Amy Adams), in the film Arrival which provokes complex contemplations on determinism, free will, and fate. Does...