This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen

Notes and references

  1. ^ Tadeusz Borowski, Barbara Vedder, This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen, Penguin Classics at Google Books
  2. ^ a b Chris Power (2011-08-25), "A brief survey of the short story part 35: Tadeusz Borowski Books, The Guardian.
  3. ^ a b Cooper, Alan (1996). Philip Roth and the Jews. State University of New York. pp. 163. danilo kis writers from the other europe.
  4. ^ Karen Bernardo (2014), This Way For The Gas by Tadeusz Borowski. Archived 2015-10-30 at the Wayback Machine Summary & Analysis.
  5. ^ a b Joanna Lenartowicz (2011/11/30), This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen - Tadeusz Borowski. Literature at
  6. ^ Penguin Books: This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen. Overview.

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