This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen Glossary

This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen Glossary


A member of the fascist and radical German group: the National Socialist German Worker's Party.

Concentration Camp

A camp where large masses of people (prisoners of war or political prisoners) are detained in very inadequate conditions.


An area in Poland that was used as a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.


A German word that translates to unit or command and is often used in reference to the holocaust concentration camps.

Keine Angst

A German phrase often used by the narrator Tadek which means no fear, a representation of one of the main themes.


A prisoner in the Nazi concentration camp who was ordered to supervise and administer the events and occurrences.


A prisoner of the concentration camp who is described as lacking the strength to continue, and thus has been destroyed mentally and physically

SS Guards

Special guards used to create fear and protect Adolf Hitler and other important members of the Nazi party.

Gas Chamber

A room that could be filled with poisonous gas in order to kill and eradicate all living things.


The name of the camp store and the prisoners who work there. The stores are symbolic of wealth, as is the nation of Canada.

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